Knit and Sew

PES2Card - PEC2PES utility

  The free PEC2PES utility converts, as its name says, PEC files into PES files.

One would say: is that not something that other utilities can do too?
Answer: Yes, but this one has a couple of interesting additional features:

  • PEC2PES fully supports PEC files that are larger than 130*180 but smaller than 160*260
  • PEC2PES automatically rotates the design if needed. This means that a design of 260*160 can now be converted into a PES file without the need for PE Design.
    Full operator instructions:
  • unpack the PEC2PES utility
  • double click it
  • select the file you want to convert
  • PEC2PES will write a PES file in the same directory as the PEC file
Users of packages like Digitiser 2000 can now output PEC files and write them to a floppy to be embroidered on the Ellageo, Ult2001 or Galaxie 3000.

Of course one can use the free PES2Card utility to convert most common embroidery formats into PEC files.

Download free English PEC2PES utility.
Download free Dutch PEC2PES utility.

Last Modification: July 18, 2001 (c) Copyright 2000-2001, Jos Timmermans